Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Photographer's Feet

I have always believed that the photographer's feet are one of his/her most important tools. I happened to read this quote from the Ansel Adams the other day: "A good photograph is knowing where to stand." A different way of stating it, but the same idea. One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners make is that they tend to shoot from the same position, height, angle, etc. This is a mistake in my opinion. There is no way of instantly knowing exactly how to capture an image just by quickly looking at it. You have to work for it. Arrive early. Climb, squat, walk around, lay down. Lowering your camera just a foot or so can make a dramatic change in how the photo will look, particularly when you are using a wide angle lens.

One of the things I find helpful is to take the camera off the tripod. Use a small strap and shoulder the tripod. Doing this and hand holding your camera will allow you to move around and find the right angle and position.

Here are three photos to illustrate the point. All of the photos are of the same subject, yet they could not be more different. Different angles, lighting conditions, camera heights, weather and atmospheric conditions all change the mood and help to tell a different story, so to speak.
